Glendale Chamber’s Digital Newsletter “Add Your Ad” Program

Glendale Chamber’s Digital Newsletter “Add Your Ad” Program


The Glendale Chamber of Commerce is a community organization that serves as the “voice of business” in Glendale. At the Chamber, we strive to make a positive impact for our members and to improve the quality of life for our community at large.

One way we advocate for and communicate with our business community is through our digital newsletter. In our newsletter, we provide the community with Chamber news & events, community news and member announcements through an email-marketing system. While this is an effective tool to gain exposure for news and events, due to high demand for advertising space, it is important that we adhere to a set of guidelines so that every Chamber member receives their fair share of space on our weekly e-blasts.

The Glendale Chamber of Commerce is pleased to introduce you to our Add Your Ad Program where members, exclusively, have the opportunity to place an ad in our digital newsletter that is sent out twice a week to 2,000 individuals around the community and beyond.


Click below for the entire Add Your Ad Program Guidelines! 

Add Your Ad Program

For additional questions or to place an ad in the digital newsletter, please email or call the Chamber office at


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